
Saturday, November 10, 2012

TLR Radio Show--Episode #5 Preview

The Last Reel Show will be back on the air tonight! The festivities were preempted last week thanks to Frankenstorm Hurricane Sandy--co-host William Stape was without power and like a nomad was displaced for quite some time...

Tonight he and I will take to the Net's Blog Talk Radio to talk about the BIG film story of the last two weeks Disney Buys 'Star Wars'  The much talked about Disney/Lucasfilm sale rocked the world of "Star Wars" fans worldwide...A writer for “Star Wars: Episode VII has now been confirmed.

It's Toy Story 3 and Little Miss Sunshine screenwriter Michael Arndt who has already drafted up a 50 page treatment. And now we know that Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino and Zack Snyder have now all publicly expressed they have no desire to take on the helm of a new "Star Wars" movie. What does the future hold for  the "galaxy far,far, away"?

We will talk about it!

The show will air live from 11:00-to 11:30 PM Eastern every Saturday. If you don't catch it live you can listen any time on demand. Click here for more info. Our previous shows are archived there if you wanna catch up... Tune in. It's a lot of fun!!

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