
Monday, December 17, 2012

Redmayne Orbits Wachowski's "Jupiter Ascending"

Eddie Redmayne is in talks to join the cast of The Wachowski's Lana and Andy's next sci-film
"Jupiter Ascending" says THR.

The plot is said to involve higher forms of life on other planets watching us. These beings have some human and animal DNA in them.

Mila Kunis will play a Russian immigrant and toilet cleaner who unknowingly carries "the same perfect genetic makeup as the Queen of the Universe and is therefore a threat to her otherwise immortal rule." A bounty hunter (Channing Tatum) is dispatched to kill her, but they fall in love.

No details were released for Eddie Redmayne's character.

The Wachowski's will write, direct and produce the film.

Production is scheduled to begin in early 2013.

Redmayne will next be on screens Christmas Day in Les Miserables

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