
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Abrams Officially Goes To The Dark Side--Keeps Treking

It's official folks J.J. Abrams is going to direct "Star Wars: Episode VII" at Disney/Lucasfilm...

What does this news mean for the rebooted Star Trek film franchise? Abrams is in post on the sequel "Star Trek Into Darkness" out in May and he helmed "Star Trek" in 2009.

Paramount Pictures Vice Chairman Rob Moore told The Los Angeles Times that Abrams will still be involved in some way if there is a third "Trek" movie, at minimum as a producer.

"J.J. will continue to develop projects for us including a new Mission: Impossible and he is committed to produce another 'Star Trek'" says Moore.

Ok that of course leads us to ask the next big question - if Abrams opts not to direct Trek 3, who will take the center seat?

My first thought was Nicholas Meyer--After all he had a hand in three of the most successful original series era films  Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and the capper Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country--But then I thought despite his proven track er--Trek record the suits will likely want a younger guy to take over...

I would want someone with genre experience...and at least a basic understanding of Trek. I hope that current writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman stay right where they are to finish the trilogy...

Stay Tuned...

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