
Monday, January 14, 2013

Jay's Triple Feature

Nobody Gets Out Alive director Jason Christopher saw not one, not two, but three films at the cineplex recently--Here are his thoughts on all three:

Zero Dark Thirty has been talked about a lot lately especially with Oscars right around the corner. At two hours and thirty six minutes long, the flick started off pretty slow. A ton of great actors and actresses are  in the movie. By the end of the movie, it was extremely worth it! The last forty five minutes made for a great finish. It was awesome!

I saw the horror comedy A Haunted House next and man oh man, I was really looking forward to this movie. I’m a huge fan of the Wayans but this movie just didn’t do it for me. I was pretty disappointed with the film overall . The jokes weren’t that great. Most of the jokes would keep dragging out which made it less funnier than it already was. The editing was pretty bad too. I’m pretty bummed I didn’t laugh that much. Come to think of it, I think I only laughed once or twice.

Ruben Fleischer's adaptation of Gangster Squad.was last and like most everyone I’ve been waiting for this movie too. Ever since they pushed back the release and re-shot some stuff . Finally it comes out and the best things about the movie were Giovanni Ribisi and Emma Stone. Stone is turning into such an amazing actress, or is it, a hot-great actress? There are not many of those. Ribisi had me laughing as well as loving his character. I actually had more laughs watching this flick than watching A Haunted House. There was never really a dull moment in the movie. There were a lot of sequences that were edited/shot so cool--I dug that. If Robert Patrick’s character was such a badass at shooting his gun…why didn’t we see any of that? We only saw it like twice through out the almost two hour long movie.

All in all, the best was Zero Dark Thirty. There are not many movies coming up that I’m looking forward to. The Evil Dead remake perhaps. Please don’t screw it up.

 If you plan on seeing any one of these movies, go see Zero Dark Thirty, definitely purchase that on DVD too. Only go see Gangster Squad for the theater experience. Don’t even waste your time on A Haunted House


Nobody Gets Out Alive will be released via stores, Redbox,, etc. on 2/26/13 You can pre-order the DVD And please go LIKE the new Facebook Page to help spread the word!

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