
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nobody Gets Out Alive Arrives & A Personal Story

The day is here!!! Image Entertainment officially releases Jason Christopher's throwback horror film Nobody Gets Out Alive....

The action follows a group of young folks who believe that the local legend of Hunter Isth, a man who vanished after his daughter was killed by a drunk driver, is just a myth. They soon find out how wrong they are.

Jen Dance, Shaun Paul Costello, Chelsey Garner, Chris Ready, Brian Gallagher and genre fave Clint Howard star.

I saw the film--This is the real deal folks! Gallagher gives Isth something extra that is fairly unique to the Genre...Showed the film to someone who HATES horror films and she liked it a lot! Inventive kills also hallmark the film.

A festival award-winner, Nobody Gets Out Alive is presented on DVD in anamorphic widescreen with Dolby Digital 5.1 sound: Also includes

• Audio Commentary
• Outtakes
• “Lost Here Forever” music video by Hello Cleveland

The slasher is being released to the masses via multiple platforms stores, Redbox,, VOD etc You can order the DVD And please go LIKE the Facebook Page to help spread the word!

As most of you know by now Christopher and producer Deven Lobascio have been very important to me both personally and professionally for the last few years...Sometime after the duo began this journey--I was asked by Deven's mom Kathy--if I wouldn't mind profiling them on TLR. I agreed. But I wanted to meet with them first just  to get a sense of things, see what their mindset was. The rest as they say is history...

Throughout the process Kathy and the rest of the 2 families have been constantly telling me how grateful all of them are for my help--While I appreciate the kudos--I don't think I did all that much really. What I did do was so worth it. What no one knows though is what Jay and Deven have done for me far outweighs anything I did for them.

Let me explain.

Around the time that I was finishing my own short film--I found myself falling into a very dark place personally that had nothing to do the film I saw no way out. I spent so much time in this place--friends did not know how to approach me. The positive attitude that I am known for was replaced with enough negativity for a dozen folks. It got pretty bad. The plans that my writer/producer Matt and I had to put the film out there had fallen apart. I had no hope at all about life let alone starting a film career. Our film--something Matt worked sooo hard on--became a casualty when I fell into the pit. I will never be able to apologize enough to Matt for how it all ended up...I take full responsibility and thank him for all that he did  in sticking by me.

A small circle of folks did the same but I still lost quite a bit along the way...I was horrible. It was a struggle to make my way out--Thanks to some very loyal folks and my own determination--I slowly clawed my way out to rejoin the living my positive nature came back,,,The lesson I learned--no matter how bad things may get--there's always hope ALWAYS...

You are asking how does Deven and Jay fit in? on a bit further...

Part of my long trip back included a career shift to a place where I am quite content and have little regret. Jay and Deven showed me that movie making is still hard yes---but could be fun and well worth the effort--something that I had forgotten. Helping them even in a very small way that I have allowed me the chance to give back in some respect--which is part of what life is all about. Something Deven and discussed a few days ago over the phone in fact...

Thanks boys! Wherever the path of life takes you remember I will always be grateful to you both. Good luck Enjoy Today!! I am proud of you!

You'll recall that I am related to one of them Until today though I have kept my last name off TLR--more over privacy concerns than anything else. However, as the blog's following grows via @TheLastReel on Twitter and it's Facebook page my identity has been revealed...yes my friends I am Tom Lobascio--Deven and I share a last name...

Happy Birthday to Deven's Dad Chris! What a great way to celebrate!!!

Until next time...

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