
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Nobody Gets Out Alive: The Parents Speak...

Following yesterday's very personal post about Image Entertainment's official release of writer/director  Jason Christopher's throwback horror film Nobody Gets Out Alive....I thought it was  high time that you heard from the parents of Jay and and producer Deven Lobascio. To that end I invited them to share their thoughts about the occasion .....

Big D's parents are up first:

October 20,2011, anxiously awaiting.....Friends, family and even a few unknowns fill the Voorhees Ritz Theater to its capacity. Tonight is the premiere of an independent horror film "Down The Road". Could this be the the same film that our son and nephew were working on together in 2010? Is this film what is causing all of this hype and attraction?

During 18 and 20 hour days of filming, under not so great weather conditions and the occasional dispute, Deven and Jason both knew that nothing was going to interfere with their determination to make this film a reality. Along with a great cast and crew, DOWN THE ROAD was written and directed and produced by two cousins Jason Christopher and Deven Lobascio.  Meeting their goal is proof that with hard work anything is possible.

Fast Forward.....Two years later on Feb. 26,2013 we gather together once again. This time we are celebrating the release of the newly titled film NOBODY GETS OUT ALIVE....AKA DOWN THE ROAD along with the birthday of the The Friendly Driver. (played by Deven's Dad)

As proud parents we have watched the growth of two ambitious young men. We saw their passion for film taken to a different level. Along with their time and effort (and lots of family support), it has become a reality.....dreams do come true!

Our best wishes to Deven and Jason. That many more achievements will happen for them during their careers as they head down the road.

Jay's Mom is up next...

Looking back now its easy to see that Jason was destined to be right where he is. As a toddler he was fascinated with our VCR.. his favorite movie was  Uncle Buck with John Candy. He would cry when it ended and would watch it repeatedly . He soon learned how to master working the VCR himself.

As a child he would stay in his room and read book after book.. (The Hardy Boys).

In the second grade he would write short stories and then read them to the Kindergarten classes in his school. Soon after he took our video camera and was filming little skits that he would put together directing his friends and family. Than came the jackass skits (before j.a.was around). Our poor neighbors! Jason then started writing songs and soon formed a band. This was his outlet for awhile. And then it was back to more jackass stuff hard core.

In high school Jason directed a music video that he was entering into a collage film festival...enter operation nightmare!! Long story short, it was brought to the attention of school officials ... they were disturbed by the content of the video, They said that it looked too real and was too advanced for someone his age!..(are they kidding!!).  He was suspended from school  pending further evaluations.

During that same week at age 17, came the sudden death of his father--overcome with mixed feelings of sadness, loss, anger, hate and fear. the script for ....Nobody gets out alive came to be!!!!!

 With the help of childhood friend and cousin Deven Lobascio, the two turned the script into the flick!!!! So awesomely proud of the two kids from South Jersey who became two modest young men that didn't allow anything to stand in their way of their dreams and will continue to do amazing things in the crazy world of making movies!!!

Jason ,you will rock them!! Love you to heaven and back!


Thanks so much for doing this and sharing your thoughts. With support like this the boys were winners long before cameras rolled....

The slasher Nobody Gets Out Alive has been released to the masses via multiple platforms stores, Redbox,, VOD etc You can order the DVD And please go LIKE the Facebook Page to help spread the word!

Until Next Time...

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