
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Gluck Recounts "Agatha" Tale

Will Gluck is attached to direct writer Allison Schroeder's action adventure spec script "Agatha" says Deadline.

The film explores the eleven days that noted mystery author Agatha Christie went missing in 1926 after quarrelling with her husband who wanted a divorce. Despite a massive manhunt, she was not found until a week and a half later at a hotel in Yorkshire.  Christie never accounted for her disappearance, and she was diagnosed as suffering from psychogenic fugue. Most thought it was a publicity stunt, and evidence since has only cemented that opinion.

The incident has been used before as the basis for a Doctor Who episode in 2008.

Story details of this film are being kept under wraps, but the tone is said to be described as a female "Sherlock Holmes" meets "Romancing The Stone".

Mary Parent, Cale Boyter, Chris Bender, Jake Weiner and Jc Spink are producing

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