
Monday, March 18, 2013

Jackman Gets "Six Years" At Paramount

Hugh Jackman is attached to star in a film adaptation of author Harlan Coben's upcoming novel "Six Years" says THR.

The story centers on Jake Fisher, a man who watched the love of his life, Natalie, marry another man. Six years have passed when Jake comes across the other man's obituary. He resolves to attend the funeral, hoping to catch a glimpse of Natalie. But the mourning widow is not Natalie, throwing all of his past memories with the woman into question.

No screenwriter or director is attached as of yet but Tom Rothman and Mark Gordon are in talks to produce the film.

There's only been books of Coben's books that have made it to the screen - Guillaume Canet's well-regarded "Tell No One" in 2006. Ben Affleck is attached to direct a remake of that film that is in development.

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