
Monday, March 04, 2013

RUMOR: Nolan & Bale On For "Justice League" Movie?

Having scraped Will Beale's script for the "Justice League" film Warner rumored to be turning to Christopher Nolan for help.

The "Justice League " teams DC Entertainment's most famous heroes (Batman, Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, among others).

Beale's discarded story was said to take its cues from the storyline by Gerry Conway from Justice League Of America 183-185. sees Darkseid, the oppressive god ruler of the war planet Apokolips, planning the destruction of Earth by blasting it with a weapon that moves Apokolips into Earth’s place.

The storyline has the Justice League teaming up with the Justice Society of America--That could have been great but was it too ambitious?

Latino Review reports that Nolan is set to become the DC Universe equivalent of Marvel's suit Kevin Feige--but less hands on. Anything to do with DC films would go through him.

As he did with the upcoming "Man of Steel", he is expected to 'godfather' and produce the "Justice League" film and possibly other superhero franchise launchers.

LR then up the ante going on to claim a DOOZY of a rumor.

"So like with Man of Steel, [Nolan's ] going to be involved with godfathering/producing while Zack Snyder will be co-producing and will possibly be the director. They're shaping this [Justice League] as a vehicle for Christian Bale to reprise his role as Batman and join Henry Cavill's Superman in the Justice League movie."

If Bale returns would the Ryan Reynolds version of "Green Lantern" be part of the film...?

I am taking this with several grains of salt--While Bale's return would be great news (at least to me anyway) I find it speculative that the suits could coax him to wear the cowl again---No matter what the incentive is.

There's always the rumored Armie Hammer for Bats back when Warners was planning to keep the Nolan's Bat-verse separate and apart from its plans for DC Comic films moving forward?.. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was fancied to be appearing in the upcoming movie as the new Batman....but that was quickly nixed by JGL's peeps.

Stay Tuned...

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