
Saturday, March 09, 2013

Trek 2: Teaser #2 & A SPOILER ALERT!!!

A second  teaser trailer for J.J. Abrams’ sequel "Star Trek Into Darkness" has been transmitted to Earth on the Net via subspace.

After you watch that things get SPOILERY

In the new film the Enterprise crew will face off with Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch's baddie "John Harrison" who might just be a version of Khan Noonien Singh in the film. Or is it perhaps Gary Mitchell instead? Someone else. All involved are still saying Harrison is the name of Cumby's character. I say hogwash--If that's the truth why the secrecy?...And why tell us early on that the big bad was someone we know from Trek lore?

Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin John Cho and Bruce Greenwood have all returned to the Final Frontier in their respective roles as Kirk Spock Uhura Dr. McCoy Scotty Chekov Sulu and Admiral Pike.

The Supporting Cast Includes Alice Eve as Carol Marcus. Nazneen Contractor who will play the wife of Noel Clarke’s family man character And former "Robocop" star Peter Weller playing Admirial Marcus, actor/stuntman Joseph Gatt. Original "A Nightmare on Elm Street" star Heather Langenkamp has a small part in the film as well.

Leonard Nimoy's return as Spock Prime following his larger cameo from "Star Trek" '09 had been walked back yet not fully denied...Klingons will be making an appearance in the Star Trek sequel as will their home world. The adversaries were left on the cutting room of the last pic.

Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelofwrote the script for director Abrams.

The sequel will be produced by Abrams, Kurtzman, Orci, Lindelof, Bryan Burk, and David Ellison.

The film will be released May 17, 2013 in 3D and IMAX in the US. May 10th in UK , Germany, Australia & other countries.

30 minutes of the film screened in the UK last night  and as Slash Film notes, reaction to the early, incomplete cut peek has been positive for the most part. I have read some very spoiler heavy posts about what attendees witnessed and it sounds great. 

Here are the highlights of the screening



From the extended beginning of the film…
  • Opening sequence (previewed at IMAX theaters in December) has been reordered to have Nibiru Volcano sequence now opens the film followed by title card and then the scenes in London and at the hospital
  • Nibiru mission ends with Kirk rescuing Spock by violating the prime directive by revealing the Enterprise to Nibiru natives so he can beam Spock out of the Volcano
  • Kirk has a scene in bed (back in San Francisco) in bed with two "cat women"
  • Kirk makes mention of hoping to get assigned to a "five year mission" (implying that the famed five year mission hasn’t started yet for the time he has been captain)
  • Kirk is demoted for violating prime directive on Nibiru, loses command of Enterprise with Pike to take over command Kirk as first officer
  • Pike wanted to send Kirk back to Academy but was convinced (possibly ordered?) to make Kirk first officer of Enterprise by Admiral Marcus
  • Spock assigned to another ship
  • The "father" character uses his Starfleet ring as a bomb (dropping it into water for a reaction) and destroys a facility (in London)
  • London attack leads to big meeting of Starfleet captains which itself is attacked by John Harrison, resulting in Pike being injured…Harrison transport away
Later scenes in the film….
  • Enterprise severely damaged falling to Earth with Spock in command ordering evacuation
  • Kirk and Scott seen in Engineering trying to stabilize ship
  • Later Spock scene beaming down to San Francisco and starting long chase with Harrison 
  • Eventually Spock meets up with Harrison and engages in a fight

More as it comes....

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