
Friday, March 15, 2013

Whedon On Kickstarting A "Firefly" Sequel

With the buzz surronding the success of the "Veronica Mars" Kickstarter movie push, fans are now talking up the notion of starting a similar process for another film based on Joss Whedon's short lived TV series "Firefly" series following Serenity.

Talking with Buzzfeed, Whedon nixed the talk--pointing to his busy schedule as the main reason that, even it were greenlit--it would take a few years to happen.
"My fourth feeling when I read about [the Veronica Mars Kickstarter campaign] was a kind of dread. Because I realized the only thing that would be on everybody’s mind right now. I’ve said repeatedly that I would love to make another movie with these guys, and that remains the case.

It also remains the case that I’m booked up by Marvel for the next three years, and that I haven’t even been able to get Dr. Dr. Horrible 2 off the ground because of that. So I don’t even entertain the notion of entertaining the notion of doing this, and won’t. Couple years from now, when Nathan  [Fillion]‘s no longer [on] I think anything we could get off the ground would be appreciated by the fans. But what form it would take is I think under some debate. For me, [Kickstarter] doesn’t just open the floodgates. God knows, things are cheaper now than when we made even Serenity. Good effects can be done in a different manner.

Nor is that universe all about spectacle either. But it is a tad more expensive — and a little all-consuming! And of course, there’s the other fear: What if it’s not that good? I can do something that’s not that good — that’s fine. But if I do that and it’s not that good, I’m going to feel really stupid."

There's no doubt in my mind that the "Veronica Mars" Kickstarter funding drive has opened up a whole new avenue sone mainstream movies might get made going forward.

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