
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Who Should Direct Star Trek 3?

With J.J. Abrams deep in post on the sequel "Star Trek Into Darkness", and then moving on to helm Star Wars: Episode VII--the question of who will chart the course of  Star Trek 3 has to be answered.

Speaking to IGN about the upcoming sequel X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer talked about the idea of directing the next Star Trek film, contrasting it with his X-Men film series work…

"It’s a very different thing jumping into someone else’s franchise, someone else’s cast. It was very tough when Brett Brett Ratner did it with [X-Men: The Last Stand], you know. And you’re held up, particularly if it’s something that people really like what the originator did, you’re held to a very, very tough standard when you’re jumping into somebody else’s franchise. It’s a very scary thing to do cause’ they’re waiting to judge you....But a sequel to a character charged Star Trek…I’m friends with some of the cast and I was on the set recently. I’m friends with J.J. and so I was on the set visiting, which was really cool and it looks really awesome. They’re really great people. Chris Pine is lovely and I’m friends with Zach [Quinto] and they’re all great. That would be the most fun part, to work with those people and to work with the lore that I love. I just…I’m like, the pressure of doing it would freak me out. Or might freak me out. That being said, if someone presented a story and a structure and the original director was supporting you, really supporting you and producing with you and behind you then maybe it would be a great experience."

It should be noted that Singer is a fan of Trek and was even involved in a possible pitch for a new Star Trek series which was nixed once it was announced that Abrams was gonnna make Star Trek 09. Singer also had an on screen cameo in 2002's Star Trek: Nemesis...

Meantime Trek film producer Bryan Burk's recent comments to Digital Spy-that the next Star Trek film could arrive in 2016 (in tine to mark the 50th anniversary of the franchise) led EW to ponder who else could sit in the center seat:
From that list Reaves and Goddard seem to me like the best choices with Wright a close 3rd...Stay Tuned...

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