
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

CinemaCon 2013: Star Trek Into Darkness (SPOILERS)

During the Paramount Pictures presentation at the 2013 CinemaCon trade show in Las Vegas--a couple of extended sequences from the J.J. Abrams’ sequel "Star Trek Into Darkness" were unveiled.

In the new film the Enterprise crew will face off with Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch's baddie "John Harrison" who might just be a version of Khan Noonien Singh in the film. Or is it perhaps Gary Mitchell instead? Someone else. All involved are still saying Harrison is the name of Cumby's character. I say hogwash--If that's the truth why the secrecy?...And why tell us early on that the big bad was someone we know from Trek lore?

Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin John Cho and Bruce Greenwood have all returned to the Final Frontier in their respective roles as Kirk Spock Uhura Dr. McCoy Scotty Chekov Sulu and Admiral Pike.

The Supporting Cast Includes Alice Eve as Carol Marcus. Nazneen Contractor who will play the wife of Noel Clarke’s family man character And former "Robocop" star Peter Weller playing Admirial Marcus, actor/stuntman Joseph Gatt. Original "A Nightmare on Elm Street" star Heather Langenkamp has a small part in the film as well.

Leonard Nimoy's return as Spock Prime following his larger cameo from "Star Trek" '09 had been walked back yet not fully denied...Klingons will be making an appearance in the Star Trek sequel as will their home world. The adversaries were left on the cutting room of the last pic.

Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof wrote the script for director Abrams.

The sequel will be produced by Abrams, Kurtzman, Orci, Lindelof, Bryan Burk, and David Ellison.

The film will be released May 17, 2013 in 3D and IMAX in the US. May 10th in UK , Germany, Australia & other countries.

An attendee at the event filed this description report with TrekMovie:


Sequence 1

The first was an extended version of the IMAX preview shown with The Hobbit. The additional bits showed Kirk decide to take the ship out of the ocean in order to save Spock by transporting him out of the Volcano. The sequence ends showing the Nibiru natives looking up at the Enterprise and beginning to pray to it (Holy Prime Directive Violation!).

Sequence 2

The second scene takes place apparently much later in the movie. It starts with Kirk walking into the Enterprise sickbay to confront Harrison (Cumberbatch) to reveal everything he knows about "that ship." Harrison clearly knows a lot rattling off details such as "Dreadnaught Class. Two times the size – three times the speed – advanced weaponry – minimal crew…built solely for combat." Kirk then convinces Harrison to help him, after some banter Kirk promises "you said you would do anything for your crew, I can guarantee their safety." Harrison is dubious but Kirk returns "are you coming with me or not?"

Specifically Kirk wants Harrison to come with him to another Starship – this ‘Dreadnaught class’ ship is the ship that has been discussed in analysis on And apparently this other Federation ship has damaged Enterprise severely. Kirk and Harrison then prepare to go over to the ship but first Kirk calls Scotty who is already on the other ship (why he is there is not explained). Harrison starts barking instructions to Scotty and Pegg’s lightens things up by incredulously saying things like "are you crazy? whoever you are" to Harrison. Scotty isn’t too happy about the idea of opening an airlock to let Kirk and Harrison in after they space jump over, but he sets about to make it happen.

Kirk and Harrison then get into space suits prepare to launch out of the Enterprise and have to navigate a debris field. At the same time Scotty is trying to get things ready on the other ship. There are also shots of Spock, McCoy and Sulu on the bridge. There is a classic exchange between Spock and McCoy where Spock says he doesn’t have "the information or confidence" to confirm if the plan will work, and McCoy quips "you’re a real comfort."

Kirk and Harrison then get launched into the debris field where they have to dodge around towards the other ship where Scotty is frantically trying to prepare to open an airlock without getting sucked into space (he isn’t wearing a spacesuit). Eventually Kirk’s faceplate gets cracked, adding to the tension. And to make things worse Scotty gets confronted by a very large security guy (not in standard Starfleet uniform) who doesn’t seem to buy Scotty’s story that he is just there to "do a wee bit of maintenance on the airlock console."


As Kirk and Harrison get closer Scotty continues to deal with the big guy aiming a phaser at him. Scotty asks him if he is Starfleet or "private security." The reason becomes clear soon enough because Scotty opens the hatch and launches the guy out the airlock while he has strapped himself in–essentially killing the big guy with the gun. Soon after Kirk and Harrison fly through the opening and after closing the airlock Scotty quips "welcome aboard." And that was the end of the sequence.

Even though the industry crowd should be jaded, the reaction was quite strong. Pegg got a lot of laughs and the post-Paramount presentation buzz was very good. Both sequences showed a great combination of action, amazing effects, humor and still plenty amount of good ol’ Star Trek exposition (and even some light technobabble). As for big spoilers, the second sequence confirmed that the enemy ship Kirk is facing is a Federation ship (or looks like one) and confirms that Harrison is indeed called "Harrison" in the movie. The somewhat unexpected twist is how Kirk and Harrison are forced to work together to deal with who ever is controlling that other ship. So ironically after seeing this sequence you may have more questions than you started with…Abrams!!!

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