
Tuesday, May 07, 2013

After Iron Man Boost--Doc Savage Film Alive & Well

Hot off his success with "Iron Man 3" Sony Pictures annoumced via Variety that Shane Black will write and direct the Doc Savage film.

One of the most popular characters of the pulps of the 1930s and 40s, Doc Savage was also popularized on radio, film and television. He is a scientist, physician, adventurer, inventor, explorer and researcher. He has been trained since birth to be nearly superhuman in every way with outstanding strength, a photographic memory and vast knowledge and intelligence. He uses his skills and powers to punish evil wherever in the world he finds it.

Black actually wrote the script back in 2009 and signed on to direct the adaptation in 2010. Sony then decided to allow Black to go off and make Iron Man 3 before having him  do Doc Savage. Black explains:

As ’Iron Man’ wound down I sort of reconnected with Sony who have been gracious to say, ‘We’ll wait a year and sit on these rights until you’re finished with this other picture that we don’t control.’ So they were really cool about it, they were really nice. So yeah I’m back on it.”

 Doc Savage will be Black's next film

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