
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Films to Watch When It Rains By Jason Christopher

If your holiday weekend plans get washed out by bad weather--Nobody Gets Out Alive director Jason Christopher has put together his top 7 movies to watch when it's raining, in no specific order. He also reminds you not to forget the popcorn...!!

Ed Wood

One of my ex-girlfriends introduced me to this flick and I can't thank her enough. Easily Tim Burton's best movie and my favorite performance by Johnny Depp. A perfect black and white film that was made in the 90s. I think if this movie was in color, I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. A stellar cast drives this film to the top. It's humorous. It's dark. It's a great movie. If only Burton still made fun movies like this...

Friday the 13th (1980)

Not my favorite in the series but a solid flick to watch while it's raining. The classic doesn't have Jason Voorhees in it but none other than his maniacal mother, Mrs. Voorhees, played by Betsy Palmer. Guess whose career started off this bad boy too, Kevin Bacon! I, myself, am involved in the six degrees of Bacon because Victor Miller wrote F13 but also mentored my flick, Nobody Gets Out Alive. What? No way! Totally and Victor is the cool dude who started this little movie and
went on to be the biggest horror franchises EVER. Nuts, right?

Psycho (1960)

Ah, hell yeah! Bernard Herrmann's score alone is beautiful to listen to on a rainy day. I love this movie mucho much. Janet Leigh just stealing money and fleeing town but only to meet Anthony Perkin's character and flushing her dream down the drain. Anthony Perkin's playing Norman Bates is just amazing. He's this shy dude that just loves his mom. It's great. It's a classic.


The cast is pretty crazy. I dig Bill Paxton but come on...Dusty? Philip Seymour Hoffman before Capote and such other great films. Alan Ruck is even in this film. Ferris' friend! "Where are we? We're on like Bob's Road or something." Although the girlfriend is probably one of the most annoying character's in cinema.


Now this is a pretty fun movie to watch. That old school tense feel. Not that new school crap. That stuff sucks. Never will a movie involving an animal targeting to kill someone works like this one. The movie that Speilberg almost got fired from a dozen times and the movie had no faith in, was the one that jump started the dude's career. The movie is complete fun but I do feel that the fun of it sort of goes away once the three men hop on the boat to catch the sucker. Just my opinion. It becomes more of an adventure movie as opposed to it's prior mischievous layout. Still a great movie all around though.

Jurassic Park

Look at Steven with two movies on my list. This is just a very fun movie with Jeff Goldbum's infamous pose later on the flick. (Watch it and let me know if you know what I'm talking about) Dr. Grant is a complete nut. Watch this movie while analyzing how much that dude is just a nut bag. Also, out of everyone that gets hurt throughout the flick is Tim. Tim gets electrocuted, he becomes's hell for Tim. Poor kid. - haha


A movie that involves rain 85% of the time...duh it'll be on the list. On top of that, it's probably Fincher's best movie. No wait, Aliens 3 was. I kid, I kid. A young Brad Pitt - and I seriously think Morgan Freeman never ages. He's looked the same for years. Plus Kevin Spacey plays amazing as John Doe. Such a good flick.


Nobody Gets Out Alive is now out via Redbox,, etc. You can order the DVD And please go LIKE the Facebook Page to help spread the word!

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