
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Jason Christopher's Quick Hits

Nobody Gets Out Alive director Jason Christopher is back....This time he shares his quick thoughts on four movies:

Side Effects

I really enjoyed this movie. Director Steven Soderbergh has a fun way of putting a vision on screen. This movie was definitely better than Contagion. Rooney Mara is cute Mara again not that skinny girl crazy looking Mara like in Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Channing Tatum...dude, I'm a fan of his stuff. I think he's a good actor and he's always in movies that I enjoy. I'm not a huge fan of Jude Law but dug him in this movie.Catherine Zita Jones is still hot for being like sixty. Nuts. This movie is definitely worth checking out. Wasn't the biggest fan of the last minute of the movie...literally the last minute. But all in all, good movie. 3.5/5

Jack Reacher

All right. This is going to be hard to explain. I didn't enjoy the movie but only because I'm not into these type of movies - overly produced action movies...with Tom Cruise. Main reason I checked it out was because BJ McDonnell was the camera operator which and did some good work. But the movie just isn't my kind of flick . I don't even know how to review it. Ha. If you like Tom Cruise being Tom Cruise...go for it. If you don't really care for Tom Cruise and gave up on him after Magnolia don't bother. Same if you're not huge into ridiculous action movies. If you are though, you'll probably love the I'm not going to give this movie a rating because that's
not really fair.

Jurassic Park 3D

Hell yeah! This is the first movie I can remember seeing in the theaters when I was a kid so I wanted to relive it again. The 3D was whatever but just enjoying this movie in the the theater again was a fabulous experience. Like when T-Rex breaks out of the fences...that is so intense! Damn good. Some 3D was cool though but for the most part -- whatever. Watch the movie again and just watch Jeff
Goldblum...dude is genius in it! Next time you watch it too, take notice how crazy Dr. Grant is. The dude is a maniac! (original movie) 4.7/5 (3D use) 4/5

I Give It a Year

A funny little British film. I'm not a huge fan of British comedy--only like about 10% of it. This movie was completely predictable but in a different way and I really enjoyed it. The guy that co-writes Bruno, Ali G Show, Borat, and stuff wrote and directed this movie so that's probably why found myself laughing out loud. It was good to see Minnie Driver in something too. Haven't seen her in something for a while. Predictable romance-comedy but still a fun watch! 3.5/5


Nobody Gets Out Alive is now out via Redbox,, etc. You can order the DVD And please go LIKE the Facebook Page to help spread the word!

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