
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Trek 2: What If John Harrison...? SPOILER ALERT!!

Remember my theory about Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch's baddie "John Harrison" in  J.J. Abrams’ sequel "Star Trek Into Darkness"?

Now that I have seen the film I would like to expand upon and slightly alter what I said before the film opened last Thursday....I couldn't talk about it within my review without spoiling the reveal--but now--It's just gnawing at me...

READY SPOLIER in the form of a question?

What If John Harrison is not Khan Noonien Singh after all? But rather, a follower of Kahn who is protecting him, keeping him safe? It's possible.

In the Prime timeline Kahn is the genetically enhanced human--An American Sikh of the 1967 episode of "Star Trek" called Space Seed as well as the big screen sequel Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan played by Ricardo Montalban ...He and his followers were launched into space prior to any time shift caused by the events in Star Trek" '09

Well unless Cumby's Kahn had some plastic surgery--He looks and sounds little like the Kahn that Montalban played.

 Add to that there there's a shot in new film that shows another person in a cryotube that closely resembles the look of the character in the episode.

Hogwash you say? Wishful thinking? Perhaps....But with all 72 cryotubes intact by film's end...

There's no way to know what  Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof had in mind or what the future holds but its fun to ruminate until Star Trek 3 .

As Spock Prime (Leonard Nimoy) once said "There are always possibilities"

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