
Saturday, May 04, 2013

Trek 3: Klingon War? & Abrams' Future

"Star Trek Into Darkness" co-writer Damon Lindelof says that discussion about Star Trek 3 has indeed begun.

STID hints that war is brewing between Starfleet/Federation and the Klingon race. The Klingons return for the first time in the rebooted universe in the new film. The adversaries were left on the cutting room of Star Trek" '09.


"You can never see enough Klingons, and I think in this film we've given the audience a little taste, but there's also a promise that there's a larger conflict on the horizon, and that would be fun to see."

He also says they've considered using antagonists from The Next Generation further on:

"You can't talk about Trek and not talk about the Borg, and certainly about Q. Very iconic adversaries from The Next Generation which is, outside of the original cast films, was my entry way into Star Trek, so I wouldn't mind getting - towards the end of our run on Star Trek, maybe baby Picard could be born. There has to be some sort of crossover we're not thinking of."

Right now Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin John Cho are contracted for a 3rd Trek, even if  J.J. Abrams does opt out of directing it. The New York Times suggests Abrams' commitment to "Star Wars: Episode VII" could prevent him from returning to the big chair in the Final Frontier:

"He [Abrams] said it was unlikely that Paramount would wait another four years for such a film, in which case his 'Star Wars' schedule would likely conflict with it."

With a new Star Wars on his plate I have gotten comfy with the notion of someone else directing the next Trek

Abrams producing partner, Bryan Burk, added that the studio suits were not happy with the long 4 year wait between the first two 'Trek' films. And especially since the franchise has its 50th anniversary in 2016

"With a fine sense of historical irony..."

Had Abrams and co not delayed Trek 2 by a year--J.J. may have been able to helm both Episode VII and Trek 3 but now...

All I can say right now is Trek 2 BETTER NOT SUCK....!!!!

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