
Monday, June 10, 2013

Leo DiCaprio Will Rule As "Rasputin"

Leonardo DiCaprio is being eyed to play the mad monk in the biopic "Rasputin" says Deadline,

The Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin who became an advisor to the Imperial family the Romanov's in the early 20th century.  Rasputin's influence, partly due to his ability to treat the hemophilia of Tsar Nicholas II's son, grew to the point that rivals tried several times to kill him--he succeeded in 1916).

Jason Hall's script new take on the man adds more dimensions than previously seen in films featuring the character. This includes how the death of his brother affected him, and the kindness of which he was capable.

Kevin McCormick, Jennifer Davisson Killoran and Peter Morgan will produce.

1 comment:

  1. I love Leo, and will watch him in anything, but this kind of screams "Give me my damn Oscar!" to me.
