
Friday, July 19, 2013

SDCC '13: Spidey Swings Into Hall H

The headline says it all: Amazing Spider-Man 2' Wows!

Sony Pictures' "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" wrapped production just three weeks ago, but you'd never know it by the way the team pulled off a successful peek...

Borys Kit And I Take You Inside The Hall:

It began with video footage with of Spider-Man trying to get into Hall H, leading into Andrew Garfield, dressed as Spider-Man, entering the cavernous hall. He kept in character as he took to the stage and proceeded to talk of his Spider life. When Jamie Foxx sat next to him, Spider-Man talked of how he loved Django Unchained and Any Given Sunday.

Foxx stated that his character Max Dillon has the three most important things in his life taken away from him - his love, his family, and his work. When he becomes Electro, he also becomes a "serious individual that wants to burn the city down and burn Spider-Man along with it." Webb added that Electro can travel through electrical sockets in the film.

The bit went on for a while but won the audience over and showcased Garfield’s natural presence in front of a crowd.

That led to the exclusive footage with showed Spider-Man’s cockiness, stopping a crime scene involving Paul Giamatti, and most importantly, Foxx as the meek electrician who become the villainous Electro.

Other sequences showed Emma Emma Stone as Gwen Stacey looking at a bridge, Dane DeHaan ("Chronicle") as Harry Osborn visiting his sick father Norman (Chris Cooper), and a shot of Electro in Times Square levitating while frying everything electrical around him.

The footage received the loudest applause of any film panel so far this Comic-Con.

Garfield, sans mask, continued his winning ways, being funny but also handling adroitly the social controversy of Spider-Man potentially being gay. (In an interview he said there was no reason why Spider-man could not be with a man.)

A gay fan brought that up and asked the actor if it was hard as an actor to declare a stance like that.

Garfield responded: Spider-Man stands for everyone: black. white, Asian, gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual.”

He continued by saying that love between two consenting adults is not a social issue.

At the beginning of the new film, Spider-Man is "having fun being Spider-Man," and now that he's cocky Electro appears to bring him down.

The panelists ­ which included director Marc Webb, producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach, on top of Dane  Garfield and Foxx.

Harry Osborn's back story has changed for this film. Peter and Harry are childhood friends that were separated when Harry was sent off to boarding school. When they graduate, Harry tries to reconcile his relationship with Peter and complicates Peter’s life in a number of ways.

Garfield said he'd "like to be part of The Avengers….but I’m not allowed to say that"

A fan worried that the movie would have too many villains and get derailed.

I don’t want another Spider-Man 3, which was too much,” said the fan.

There won’t be too much,” responded Webb. He assuaged the attended flock that Giamatti’s part is small and the focus is on Foxx.

Electro is an incredibly powerful villain that will sustain the breadth and depth of the film” he said.

The sequel has a May 2nd 2014 release date.

Both The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 4 already have release dates

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