
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Barker's "Nightbreed" Extended Cut On Disc

Shout Factory and Morgan Creek Productions have officially announced that they will bring an "Extended Director’s Cut" of Clive Barker's 1990 cult horror film "Nightbreed" next year on disc and VOD says  The Playlist.

The original film dealt with an underground city of mutant creatures and a doctor (David Cronenberg) intent on killing them all.

At the time of release, Fox and Morgan Creek heavily edited the film down from its original two-and-a-half hours running time to just 102 minutes.

Called "The Cabal Cut" on the festival circuit, this restored longer version contains over 45 minutes of previously unseen material which follows Barker's original vision.

Shout Factory does great work with the release of horror films on disc--this one should be no exception

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