
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Eric Bana Talks "Hulk" Miss-Step

In the last decade there were three attempts to bring The Hulk to the big screen-2003's "Hulk" with Eric Bana, 2008's "The Incredible Hulk" with Edward Norton, and 2012's "The Avengers" with Mark Ruffalo.

Ruffalo's portrayal was widely hailed, while the 2003 film with Bana and helmed by Ang Lee  is often considered the weakest of the three films.

Chatting with The Huffington Post for Friday's Closed Circuit--Bana says that he doesn't regret making the film--adding though that he is glad he didn't have to play the role again:

"I'm proud of what it tried to do. I apologize to all those people who were so angry about it...I'm fascinated by the people who hated that movie and feel compelled to watch it again, which always blows my mind. But, yeah, it is what it is and I certainly don't regret doing it. I think I'm so lucky it didn't happen....One of the things I was most fearful of at the time is it being a huge success...If I had done three Hulks, it would have wiped out -- and it always takes a long time to do those movies -- so it would take six of my movies off the table."

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