
Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Hemsworth And Hiddleston Talk Thor 3

Just days out from Friday's open of "Thor: The Dark World", the cast is doing the last of the publicity push and talk of that potential third film has come up.

Star Chris Hemsworth hints that the popular Thor storyline called Ragnarok might be its starting point saying:

"I think that in the comic book, the sort of end of days, Armageddon aspect is probably the direction in which it will all head in. Where it's sort of the end of all things. There's obviously no script or anything. When I read the comic books, I thought it was an interesting way to go."

His onscreen brother--Loki aka Tom Hiddleston, also talked about the universe ending premise for the third movie:

"I think there are very interesting things that happen. In the mythology, when you get into Ragnarok, which is the "end of all things", it's not the end of the world...It's the end of time, and the universe, and space. And I think, if I am correct...Loki essentially, sets that in motion. And his motivation for doing so is intriguing and he almost becomes the incarnation of chaos, in a way...So I think that can be quite new. Loki is a character who's existed in popular consciousness for 3,000 years, so there are many, many iterations I could explore...It's just a question of whether audiences would want to see him again."

Will "Thor 3" be the next time we see Loki in a Marvel movie? Hiddleston isn't sure:

"Well, I guess it's all quite open-ended. I don't know when or how...And you know, I do worry about sort of...Overstaying my welcome, in a way. I mean, I've had such a great run, but...I guess we will just have to wait and see."

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