
Monday, March 31, 2014

Darren Aronofsky Talks Almost Directing "Man of Steel"

"Noah" filmmaker Darren Aronofsky came close to directing a superhero movie twice. First it was an ambitious hard-R adaptation of Frank Miller's "Batman: Year One" an idea abandoned once Warner Bros. opted to go for Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy instead.

DA was also set to helm the more recent "The Wolverine," a job that he left allowing for filmmaker James Mangold to take over.

But he was potentially going to do another one - Zack Snyder's "Man of Steel".

Speaking with MTV, Aronofsky revealed that he had "a few conversations" with both producer Nolan and WB about the film but was very happy with Snyder's selection and approach:

"I thought Zack was a great choice, and I loved his Watchmen movie. I thought it was great. I thought that as a fan of the comic, you couldn't hope for a better interpretation. I liked the orthodoxy of it. It was interesting to add the pathos that they put into the character. It's a hard one to do. You look at what Christopher Reeve did, and it was perfect, because it captured that 'good old boy' thing. But to try and redo that again and bring that for a modern audience is tough in a post-'Batman' and 'Wolverine' world. It's hard to do that."

Aronofsky added that he would have "absolutely" taken the job under the right circumstances.

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