
Thursday, April 03, 2014

Pitt, Ratner Want to Tell Lostutter Story

THR reports that Brad Pitt and Brett Ratner are planing to produce the real life drama "Anonymous vs. Steubenville".

A film adaptation of an article published in Rolling Stone Magazine about a court case involving a rape in a sleepy Ohio town.

 In 2012, two football players from the local high school sexually assaulted an unconscious 16-year-old girl over a period of several hours. The pair not only filmed the attack, they bragged about it on social media .The hacktivist group Anonymous aimed to expose the incident that senior Steubenville officials tried hard to cover up. Ultimately the school's superintendent, an elementary school principal and two coaches were indicted.

Anonymous hacker Deric Lostutter (pictured) potentially faces ten years in prison after he leaked damning video of the assault that proved the girl was already incapacitated. On the flip side, the teenage rapists he helped catch spent only one year in jail.

The searches for both a writer and director a underway.

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