
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Taylor Kitsch Talks "John Carter 2"

On the stump for HBO's "The Normal Heart" and the upcoming limited release "The Grand Seduction," actor Taylor Kitsch briefly talked about "John Carter" and the film's proposed sequel which was scrapped after the first film tanked.

He tells Variety:

"I know the second script was f***ing awesome. We had to plant a grounding, so we could really take off in the second one. The second one was even more emotionally taxing, which was awesome."

Kitsch also talked about the failure of another tentpole pic "Battleship":

"It wasn't an uplifting experience. My biggest regret would have been if I didn't do enough personally. If I didn't give it everything I had. If I hadn't prepped enough. I don't have that regret, so that allows me to let go."

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