
Tuesday, May 06, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 3: Bad Guy Talk

Last week it was suggested that Sony Pictures revealed the bad guy line-up for the film series villain spin off "The Sinister Six" during the end credits of Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

 The end titles strongly indicated that the line-up will be Doctor Octopus Green Goblin, Sandman, Mysterio ,Vulture Kraven the Hunter or perhaps the Chameleon.

Two of those six have already been introduced, while two were hinted. It stands reason that one of the other two baddies would feature in  "The Amazing Spider-Man 3".

During a recent interview with, Webb was asked which villains he would like to use that haven't been featured in any other installments of the film series.

Webb's one enthusiastic endorsement?:

"Kraven. Kraven. I like the idea of Kraven. The Vulture. Ock. I always thought the idea of Mysterio was interesting. Maybe Scorpion. But really, Kraven I think is kind of interesting."

In the comics, Kraven the Hunter is a Russian big game hunter who has decided to go after the ultimate prey - Spider-Man.

The storyline "Kraven's Last Hunt" is also one of the most famous epics: Kraven hunts down and seemingly kills Peter Parker before taking his costume and capturing the villain Vermin. Peter, having been buried alive but tranquillized, arises and confronts him, but Kraven has made his point. With no more big game to hunt, he commits suicide.

 The writers of Amazing 2 are also set to return for the 3rd film set for 2016

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