
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

di Bonaventura Updates "G.I. Joe 3" Status

On the stump for Friday's Transformers: Age Of Extinction G.I. Joe film series producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura  promises that the upcoming G.I. Joe 3 will be the first to really get it all right.

He tells Collider:

"The hardest thing in film, I think, is to reduce something to something simple.  You want it to be smart, you want it to have all this complexity, you want to do all these things which sometimes makes it all so confusing.  How do you boil something down until you have sort of an essential construct that the audience can connect to, understand, and then we're allowed to go crazy with it This time we have a very clear, very defined, tight idea that I wish I had on every sequel I've ever worked on.  Simple's the hardest to get to."

 di Bonaventura confirmed that "The Rock" Dwayne Johnson would be back for the third entry.

"G.I. Joe: Retaliation" director Jon M.Chu was due back behind the camera.Snow White and the Huntsman writer Evan Daugherty was working on the  script for Hasbro and Paramount.

di Bonaventura said that negotiations are currently under way with an unnamed screenwriter and are close to being finalized:

"We're just starting [to talk to directors]. We're negotiating with a writer right now, and once we close that deal—which should be any moment—then we'll have a story locked down.  I'm really excited about it."

Production is currently slated to begin in early 2015.

"Retaliation" made $371 million worldwide. 2009's G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra made $302 million.

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