
Monday, June 16, 2014

Guy Pearce On That "Iron Man 3" Twist

More than a year after its theatrical release and folks are still talking about and remain divided over the twist in "Iron Man 3".

Those only familiar with the Iron Man Films didn't seem to mind the twist and the Mandarin (Ben Kingsley), and/or actually found it one of the film's strengths.

The fans of the comics are still mad complaining that it essentially turned one of Marvel's most  iconic villains into a joke. In the movie British actor Trevor Slattery pretends to be Mandarin a terrorist as a distraction from the real threat...

 Chatting with IGN while on the stump for "The Rover" now in limited release actor Guy Pearce, who played Aldrich Killian in the sequel reflects on the controversial move:

"Personally, I loved it. I was never a comic book fan growing up, so I have no attachment to the [Mandarin]. I mean, I get it. The loyalty to those characters, I totally get it. But based on the sort of single-entity movie -- and particularly based on Ben Kingsley's performance -- I just adored what that turned into. But I do certainly understand that some die hard fans kind of went, 'Aww... Come on!'"

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