
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Captain America 3: Evil Cap Not The Bad Guy

Back in March "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely were talking about the possible villain for Captain America 3 and suggested that it could be an evil version of Captain America.

In the comics, there was a story arc in which William Burnside is injected with the super serum to take over the Captain's responsibilities after he's lost in the Arctic. The treatment has psychotic side effects, so he's eventually placed in suspended animation and later revived in an attempt to kill Harlem crime fighter Falcon (Anthony Mackie).

Now Markus and McFeely tell CBM that the third film will not venture into "Superman III" territory:

Markus: "That was a smart remark, off the cuff. What I love about that whole run, the whole existence of that, is the sort of single minded desire to retcon everything into continuity, you know? 'But there was five issues in 1950 where he was a jerk!' I know he was a crazed college professor who had plastic surgery, but I think we can honestly say that he will not be making an appearance."

McFeely: "You know, there's probably 20 minutes of movie there. There's something interesting about a guy who so desperately want to be [Captain America] and be a tribute...I just don't think it's a whole movie."

  Joe Russo and Anthony Russo are set to return to their post calling action

Cap 3 is set to go head to head with Zack Snyder's "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" on May 6th 2016 --or not...

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