
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2: An Alternate Script

Reaction to Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was mixed (my review) to say the least

Now. Bad Ass Digest has obtained an early draft of  Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman's script for the film and there a number of surprising changes within compared to the final product--including an alternate ending.


The final film features a video of Gwen Stacy's (Emma Stone) s commencement speech serving as the motivation for Peter Parker to resume heroics as Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) again after months away.

In the Orci and Kurtzman draft, the motivator is different--His dad Richard Parker ():

"The same thing happens here! But instead of finding a tape of Gwen's super on-the-nose graduation speech, Peter is approached by... his dad! Yes, Richard Parker shows back up at the end of the script, and he tells Peter he's been watching him for years. He's seen him become Spider-Man and everything. It's Richard who convinces Peter to become Spider-Man again, and in his last scene in the movie he tells Pete 'With great power comes great responsibility,' FINALLY working the famous phrase into this new series."

The original draft featured appearances by Daily Bugle editor-in-chief J. Jonah Jameson and Robbie Robertson--including a scene where Jameson complains that the internet is killing the newspaper business. There's also a scene later on where Spidey and Electro's (Jamie Foxx) first fight destroys the Bugle's printing press.

In this draft  Peter actually gives his blood toHarry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) rather than Harry injecting himself.

It's also revealed the Goblin suit was specifically built in secret for  Norman Osborn (Chris Cooper) and it's in Norman's boathouse where Harry finds it.

Foxx's Max Dillon is also more fleshed out, his character living at home with his handicapped mother. When he "dies" in the incident that makes him Electro, he learns his mother was faking her handicap to leech of him and uses his death to score a big payout from OsCorp--This is what sets in motion his Times Square confrontation with Spider-Man.

The scenes featuring Mary Jane Watson (Shailene Woodley) that were shot but then cut out the  sequel entirely:

"The original script includes all of the MJ scenes, and she's introduced as the Parker's new next door neighbor. Her dad is an abusive drunk and she's a waitress who builds motorcycles in her spare time. She has a Spider-Man tattoo on her wrist, and she's clearly interested in Peter, who is totally hung up on Gwen. At one point Spider-Man confronts MJ's dad, telling him to lay off the girl. At the end of the script Gwen comes to Peter's house before heading to London; he's gone but she meets the new neighbor. They have a friendly exchange and MJ says that she always attracts dickheads and asks Gwen what her advice is to get a guy like Peter. 'Date a nerd,' Gwen says before heading off to die, basically giving MJ the okay to get with Peter."

"Amazing 2" hits disc next month

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