
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Russo Boys Sill Talking "Captain America 3"... A Lot

Still out on the stump for the September 9th Disc release of Marvel's "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" directors Anthony and Joe Russo are being asked about the sequel Captain America 3.

Screen Rant wondered if the Red Skull from Captain America: The First Avenger could return following his seeming transport across the galaxy at the end of the first pic.

The duo couldn't get specific but aren't dismissing the possibility:

"We can't really comment specifically in terms of where we're going with it, just because we don't want to spoil anything for anybody. But certainly, look. That's the great thing about the Marvel universe, is anything is possible. All these characters exist. And as we've seen on the publishing side, there's very inventive, creative ways to make characters relevant again and surprising ways to make the characters relevant again. He's a great character. Whether or not he finds his way back I can't really say."

Anthony Russo was more forthcoming about the use of The Winter Soldier in the next film and how they plan to top the villains in the last film:

"Here's the thing. The think we love about Bucky is he's a really complicated character; very tragic, complicated character. Here's a guy, when you look at him, is he the world's worst assassin or is he the longest serving POW in history? You could look at him as one of two things. Either he's innocent by reason insanity or the equivalent of that, in terms of not being responsible for his actions because he was brain controlled, or he's a monster. It's a very complicated place. It's a hard place to move forward from that. In relationship to Cap, it's like is Cap ever going to be able to access the guy he used to be?"

Joe Russo adds:

"If he can't, well who is Winter Soldier? Is he Bucky Barnes anymore or is he somebody knew? So those are all really interesting questions to ask with him. It's our job on the next one to outdo the villain from the last one. But because that's a mandate of ours, it's always something we put an incredible amount of focus on. The stakes aren't high enough. The audience doesn't feel those stakes. If the characters aren't in jeopardy continually throughout the film, then you lose a certain narrative momentum to the movie. As we said, you can only define the hero against the villain. So the greater the villain, the greater definition you get out of your hero."

In another interview with EW, Joe Russo talked about how the tone of the next one will differ from 'Winter Soldier,' though likely not as much as between the first two films.

"You have to work really hard to deliver something different, and exciting, and challenging. That's what we're in the middle of on Cap 3 right now, pushing really hard to make sure that what we deliver is something that's gonna be different from Captain America: The Winter Soldier. We're more grounded in the world of Winter Soldier than Winter Soldier was grounded in First Avenger. The difference between First Avenger and Winter Soldier is that seventy years has elapsed between the two movies. Cap was waking up in a world that was a million miles away from the one he came from. That gave us a narrative motivation to push the tonal and stylistic content of the world forward. We don't have that same time elapsed here. It's the world Cap woke up in still, even though it's several years later and some other significant events have happened. At the same time, we are pushing Cap to a place he hasn't been before."

In yet another interview with The Wall Street Journal, Anthony Russo spoke about how Joss Whedon's superhero team up sequel "The Avengers: Age of Ultron" will impact the story being told in "Cap 3":

"We always react and adjust to the material, and part of Marvel's secret formula is that you keep working all the way until the time you deliver the movie for exhibition. You keep working to make it a better film. Things change as you work. So we will definitely be watching cuts of Avengers: Age of Ultron. We talk to Joss when we can. We talk to [Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige] when we can, just to get insight into what they're doing, and what direction they're headed, so it'll definitely impact us, without question, from a narrative standpoint. From a tonal standpoint, perhaps. It's hard to say."

Asked if they have seen any footage from "Ultron," Joe Russo says they have only seen the San Diego Comic-Con footage:

"We've seen what everyone else has seen that was at Comic-Con. We saw that incredible two minutes of footage from it. It looks like the biggest movie ever made, so we're very excited for it. We have read the script. It's incredible. I think Joss is going to blow people away with this one."

"Soldier" screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have returned  to pen the threequel script  Production on the next film is slated to begin next April in Atlanta, Georgia. The studio has targeted a May 6th 2016 release.

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