
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy: Gunn On A Deleted Scene

Director James Gunn has revealed details of yet another deleted scene from Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy". It seems that guard that took Peter Quill/Star-Lord's (Chris Pratt) had a bit more on screen time.

We'll see it on the Blu-ray disc release--Here's Gunn's explanation of the scene in a new post by way of his Instagram account:

"Here's me and the actor Spencer Wilding who played the Mean Guard who jabs Quill in the prison with the electrical staff and gets his comeuppance to Escape (The PiƱa Colada Song)

He also has a little container of Play-Doh. Why Play-Doh? Because I would keep a pile of little Play-Doh containers onset and if someone did an especially amazing job that day - whether it was an actor, a grip, a stunt man, or a PA - they'd get a canister of Play-Doh. I probably only gave about 40 containers out over the entire shoot - on an 85 day schedule with a crew of a couple hundred, that isn't much.

I chose Play-Doh because I love the smell of it - opening a new container and smelling it puts me in a creative, child-like place. And who doesn't love playing with Play-Doh (I swear Play-Doh isn't paying for this post)?

Anway, Spencer got the Play-Doh for a scene where he danced through the prison listening to Quill's Walkman (specifically, Magic by Pilot). We cut the scene for many reasons, but it was awesome and hilarious and Spence more than deserved his rarely-given Play-Doh (and, yes, before you ask me a thousand times below, it WILL be on the Blu-Ray outtakes, and no I will not tell you the release date - you can go seethe movie again! It's still out!) Have a great day (or night depending in where you are)."

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