
Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Hawkeye's Lost "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" Cameo

We have known for some time that  that Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye had a cameo written for him in the original screenplay for "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", but it was cut before it went into production.

 Co-director Joe Russo talked with Screen Rant and explained the cameo in detail and why Hawkeye was in the story:

"What it was going to be, we were trying to complicate the relationship between Cap and his S.H.I.E.L.D agent friends. If Hawkeye got a call from S.H.I.E.L.D saying Captain America is a fugitive, would he listen to that call or not listen to that call? That sequence actually was heartbreaking for us to cut it. I think it ultimately might have been a conflict with Renner's schedule. But there was a great sequence where Hawkeye was chasing Cap through Washington D.C. there was an awesome sequence where they confronted each other in a ravine on the outskirts of D.C. and Hawkeye was shooting a series of arrows closing in on Cap, Cap closing in on him. And then Cap took him down and he realized for the first time that Hawkeye was trying to trick S.H.I.E.L.D, where he whispered something into Cap's ear that Cap had a tracker on his suit and to punch Hawkeye to make it look real, because there was a Quinjet hovering above where they were watching the feedback back at S.H.I.E.L.D. So it was a cool sequence. But look, there's a million iterations of films, and especially when dealing with Marvel movies where characters can come in or come out during the creative process. And you keep working and working like a Rubik's Cube till you find the right configuration where everything lines up. So even though we lost that sequence, I think we may have streamlined the movie and made it a little bit more propulsive."

The "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" Disc hits stores on September 9th.

1 comment:

  1. That would've been a cool thing to see! I wish they would've kept it.
