
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

"Foxcatcher" Biopic: Mark Schultz Really "HATES" Bennett Miller

Sony Pictures Classics' true crime biopic and award season contender "Foxcatcher" has one of its real life subjects REALLY PISSED.

Steve Carell stars as Schizophrenic murderer John du Pont, the heir to the DuPontChemical fortune who built a wrestling gym called Team Foxcatcher on his Pennsylvania estate. In 1996, he shot and killed his close friend, Olympic gold medal-winning wrestler Dave Schultz, (Mark Ruffalo) at the training center. After the murder, du Pont locked himself in his mansion for two days while he negotiated with police on the telephone. A motive for the crime was never established, and du Pont died in a Pennsylvania prison at the age of 72.

 Mark Schultz David's younger brother played by Channing Tatum in the film, has used social media to lash out against both the film and director Bennett Miller.

Schultz takes issue with people interpreting that his relationship with John du Pont had an undercurrent of homosexuality. In a lengthy post on his Facebook page, he has a list of complaints about the film's inaccuracies, the key quote coming at the end:

"The personalities and relationships between the characters in the film are primarily fiction and somewhat insulting. Leaving the audience with a feeling that somehow there could have been a sexual relationship between duPont and I is a sickening and insulting lie. I told Bennett Miller to cut that scene out and he said it was to give the audience the feeling that duPont was encroaching on your privacy and personal space. I wasn't explicit so I didn't have a problem with it. Then after reading 3 or 4 reviews interpreting it sexually, and jeopardizing my legacy, they need to have a press conference to clear the air, or I will."

It seems though that Schultz didn't have an issue with the film--out since November 14, 2014 until some critics interpreted the relationship in a way that he didn't like. For his part Tatum indicated he didn't interpret the relationship that way since he saw du Pont as asexual.

Things got more interesting a few hours later. Schultz followed up that long piece with a one phrase post: "Bennett Miller is a lying sack of s--t". He also took to Twitter with a few more comments...

That's not even all of them. The more nasty tweets were posted and then  removed--they can still be seen over at HitFix.



  1. Well that guy sounds like a world class douche now, doesn't he? lol

  2. Yep! Happy New Year Brit! Thanks For Your Loyal Readership!!!

  3. Happy New Year to you as well! I love your blog. :)
