
Monday, July 06, 2015

The End Is Near....

After much thought and consideration I have decided to end publication of this blog later this month.

This is not a decision I make lightly believe me. The injury to my right hand played into the move--My protracted condition means that my ability to do right by you my loyal readers--has been nixed.  Therefore even as I explore all of my options going forward I can't do the blog justice-having always maintained that  if I couldn't satisfy my perfectionism it would be time to pull the plug. My original thought was to stick around long enough to mark the 50th anniversary of Star Trek but the film gods had other plans...

Late July will see me shift gears using my non computer/typing skills interacting with young folks of tomorrow You should know that I tried to save TLR with voice interactive software==My noisy environment precluded that. I even tried several times to find a writer willing to come on board to help with no success.

I hope my loyal readers understand--and will stick around till the end-Got some things cooking to mark the end...The blog will live on through Twitter You can follow me @TheLastReel

 Thanks for your loyalty and understanding It means so much...Any questions? Tweet me

Live life Happy and all the best.



  1. I've truly enjoyed your blog Tom. Best wishes!

  2. The Last Reel is a rare achievement.

    Most any blog which has been carefully tended to and prospered for years is an achievement, however, when you write a blog for ten years, provide current, fun and vital entertainment industry information to your many loyal readers, all the while coming in at #3 on Google ranking, you're consistently doing something right, indeed.

    Really ingest that for a moment - mull it over: This blog ranks on Google at NUMBER 3 - when searching for The Last Reel. This is included in a general keyword search which snags 54 MILLION PLUS occurrences - and also scores a #3 when in restricted search when in quotations. Anyone who knows anything about search engine ranking knows that this feat isn't only impressive, it's not easy to pull off. Bloggers and marketers bend over backwards every way possible to increase views and earn those clicks. Tom has accomplished this Top 5 ranking by his hard work and passion - and we've all benefited much from both.

    While it's true The Last Reel will be missed for its daily/weekly film tidbits, casting news and movie reviews, it's not going anywhere. The web keeps everything - including, sadly, a lot of stuff not worth seeing the first time around - but in this case, the archive of The Last Reel will serve as a kind of time capsule and entertainment scholar resource. Sure, people can go to The Hollywood Reporter or IMDB or Variety, but Tom's not a big corporation. He's not a studio, he's not a PR agency. He has no agenda to promote a specific flick, director or actor. TLR's coverage is fair and all inclusive.

    So, why all the fuss about TLR for me?

    Above all, my friend Tom is one of the most knowledgeable and enthusiastic movie lovers I know. He's a film scholar (he'll resist the description) and perhaps most importantly, he's simply a big movie geek! Like that iconic reviewer of the silver screen, the inimitable Roger Ebert, Tom geeks out over movies more than anyone I've been proud to call a friend.

    Thanks, my friend, for 10 years of crafting an exceptional movie blog - and thanks for many more years of our close friendship.

    -Will Stape
