
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Harrison Ford On Indy And Han

"The Force Awakens" hits home video in early April--the film's star Harrison Ford is on the stump showing up on both "Jimmy Kimmel Live" and "Ellen DeGeneres" this week to promote the release with talk turning to recent news about his two most iconic characters - Han Solo and Indiana Jones.

The characters will show up in new films with a young Solo coming to theaters in 2018 while Indiana Jones 5 is released in 2019.

With regard to Phil Lord and Christopher Miller's upcoming Untitled Star Wars Anthology Film DeGeneres asked him if he had any advice for a young actor taking on the role He said:

"Don't do it. First, it seems like everything's going swimmingly, and you put in 25, 30 years, and then they just let you go. And they show you the door and say, ‘We're done with you, thanks very much.'"

Ford says that he is excited about reprising his role as Indy. He tells Jimmy:

"I'll be ready - I'm excited about it. The opportunity to work with Steven again on this character which has brought pleasure to so many, not to mention me - it's fun. It's great fun to play this character, it's great fun to work with Steven. I'm looking forward to it."

Ford also sat down for an interview with The BBC where talk turned towards the new "Indiana Jones" film. In the interview, he confirmed that he always wanted to make another film in the series, but wouldn't do it unless Spielberg was calling action:

"I've always thought there was an opportunity to do another. But I didn't want to do it without Steven. And I didn't want to do it without a really good script. And happily we're working on both. Steven is developing a script now that I think we're going to be very happy with."

Kathleen Kennedy is producing the film with Frank Marshall Last week it was announced that David Koepp (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) is writing the script.

It isn't known when production is slated to begin.

Ford also spoke about the potential of playing Han Solo role again in future films--and  despite the events of 'Force,' he seemed surprisingly open to the idea (SPOILERS AHEAD):

"Anything is possible in space. I wanted Han Solo to sacrifice himself for the good of the other characters to bring some gravitas to the story. I was very pleased to have the opportunity to work with the other characters, to work on a script that I had real confidence in, with actors that were a dream to work with, with a director that had a very sure and generous hand, and it was altogether a pleasure. I hope I bring an emotional understanding of the characters and something the audience will recognize. I want the audience to experience the character, not to feel that they know him but to be involved in seeing what happens to him"

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