
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Life, Death, & Resurrection--Why TLR Is Back...

Hey everyone.

I hope you guys have been living a good life in the time I have been away....

Originally I had absolutely no intention of returning to the blogosphere--I had happily moved on with no regrets--and then--on January 9th my father passed away from complications after a fall. He was 84. Since that time--my career shifted a bit. It is not a life altering occurrence but it has been tweaked enough to help this decision along.

In the wake of my father's passing one word began repeating in my head over and over....


If TLR is to be a part of what I leave tapestry if you will--I did not like how I ended it last July--There were a few more things I wanted to accomplish in this space--Hopefully I can. And that you my very loyal readers will enjoy the ride along the way. I am hoping to regain any folks that rightfully walked away--and pick up newbies as well. Spread the word....

All of that said I have decided things will be different this time out:

Before the injury to my right hand I was writing multiple posts a day--sometimes at the cost of other aspects of living--not this time--I will post often to be sure--but I won't be "Married" to the blog--Life is short after all. The Twitter handle @TheLastReel is here to catch the news that doesn't make it into a blog post the way it used to...Thanks for understanding in advance the notion behind these changes.

I appreciate your support--Now let's go "out there....Thataway"


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. :( Though I'm happy you're black to blogging, and I hope you enjoy yourself. I know I'll enjoy whatever you post.

  2. Welcome back fellow blogger! I'll be reading. :)
