
Friday, March 09, 2007


Rob Zombie's Halloween remake has its fair share of detractors to be sure... and while I myself, joined in the chorus, after reading a version of the script on the net--I was still willing to give Zombie a fair shake...given the fact that the script I read was an early draft...

MTV Movies was recently granted a set visit to the horror flick and yielded some interesting info about Zombie's approach...

There's video of the Myers house, chats with the cast...The site has also posted a series of articles and interviews with Zombie... some details that caught my attention...

Zombie has opted to not use John Carpenter's iconic HALLOWEEN theme...

The film will explore the "why does Michael kill" Back story and family history...

Sheriff Brakett (Brad Dourif) has a bigger role...

Tyler Mane as Michael Myers In The 2007 Film

Here's One Of The On Set Videos From MTV...

Part of me can see why Zombie wants to do his own thing. Why rehash a classic, right? I get that,I do. But if you stray too far away from the original concept, are you really doing the fans of the series, any favors? By not even using the theme, that tells me that Zombie is really pushing back at the fans a bit.

I'm still willing to take a "wait and see" on this one...But to be honest, I'm dismayed that certain things like the music will be absent. And how evil can the Shape be, if we feel sympathy for him?. Knowing too much backstory could ruin the character's mystique.

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