
Friday, March 09, 2007

The Human Adventure...

After my post last week about the script possibilities for Star Trek XI,, writers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci decided to put all of the speculation to rest.

IGN via MTV Movies has the info:

While precious little has been confirmed about Paramount's in-the-works attempt at restarting their Star Trek franchise, MTV has managed to confirm today what many fans have expected (and hoped for): that the new film will be a reboot of the franchise rather than simply a prequel.

While talking to the film's scripters, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, dug up a few tidbits of precious dilithium crystal info, though they hit several roadblocks as well from the writers in their quest to confirm the many rumors swirling around the project.

"Orci and Kurtzman … confirmed that the film is not in any way a prequel but a reimagining of the franchise," says, which also adds that the plan is to simply call the film Star Trek -- with no subtitles, Roman numerals, or colons anywhere in the name.

"We're not going to start totally from scratch," Orci tells the site regarding the look of the film. "We want it to feel like it's updated and of the now. That's actually the discussions we're having now: how to keep the look of the universe yet have it not look like nothing's new. It's tricky."

Next Trek A Reboot But Not A Prequel-Starship Included

The pair would not confirm casting rumors during their chat, including the talk that Matt Damon, Adrien Brody, and Gary Sinise are in the running to play Kirk, Spock, and McCoy (a rumor first reported by IGN). [Read my thoughts on that part of the story here...]

In fact, Orci tells MTV (apparently jokingly), "We never said Bones was in it." Kurtzman would only add, "I'm the hugest Matt Damon fan ever. If he became [Kirk], great."(In fact, IGN recently reported that Dr. McCoy's role would be a small one and that the story is more focused on Kirk and Spock.)

Kurtzman and Orci also said that the film will be more action-packed than any of the Treks that have preceded it, and that it'll be the "biggest one" in terms of budget.

"The economic models of the other [films] were very much based on the fans out there and their purchasing power," says Orci. "With this one we're going for the broad audience to bring people into Trek for the first time."

The writers are less forthcoming in the interview about whether or not William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy will have cameos, though they do acknowledge that a starship will be an integral part of the film: "I don't know how you make Star Trek without a starship," Orci says. "You have to trek through the stars, so you need a ship for that." The pair does admit, however, that they have, along with the film's director J.J. Abrams, met with Shatner and Nimoy.

Boldly Going "Out There...Thataway"

Paramount offered the team full access and support when approaching the franchise. That, combined with their script -- which the writers say adheres to Trek creator Gene Roddenberry's original vision for the franchise - meant this was a project they couldn't pass up.

"Trek, more than anything, has always been about the human interactions," Orci says. "It's all about the human soul."

As I said last week, I wasn't keen on the Academy idea, and as most fans agree the prequel TV series Star Trek: Enterprise (2001-2005) helped ensure a hiatus for the franchise. I'm glad the story avoids the prequel notion--while still utilizing the classic milieu and allure of Kirk et al.

As far as I'm concerned, the team is on the right track with Trek... So far amyway.

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