
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

More Rumor Whiplash

It seems that, denying rumors about films based on comic books, has become a popular sport in Hollywood of late...

John August, who is writing the proposed Shazam! movie, denied rumors that Jake Gyllenhaal, was under consideration for the role of Captain Marvel in a post on his official blog. The rumor was first reported in the New York Daily News by columnists Rush & Molloy and not, as August wrote, on the Internet.

"But the thing is, he's not considering," August wrote. "I can pretty much assure you he's never heard of the project. And we've never discussed him. We've never seriously discussed anyone."

August added: "After several months of meetings, casting has come up exactly zero times. There's no casting list. If there were a list, Gyllenhaal's name would probably be on it, but trust me: There is no list. There's no start date, no release date, no movie whatsoever. There's just a script to be written. Which I should probably get back to." Just

I find it odd that, while August denies that a list of casting choices exists--he still says, if there was one, JG would most likely be on it.

The thing is lists like this are generated all the time on almost every film in development...And the source in The New York Daily article is anonymous...It's in August's best interest to deny everything at this early stage in the process, anyway.

Anyone out there want to deny JG's up for Spider-Man?

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