
Thursday, May 03, 2007

Someone I Know Talks To Someone Famous

William N. Stape, a frequent contributor for the Associated Content website, (he interviewed me in February of this year about The Last Reel) recently spoke with actor/stand-up comedian Patton Oswalt on a number of interesting topics--including his new CGI animated summer flick, Ratatouille (June 29th), and his nine year run on the sit-com The King of Queens...

As you may know, Oswalt is a pretty big Star Trek fan, and was among those yuksters who attended the Roast Of William Shatner, a few months back...

The interview reveals a very interesting possible casting tid-bit that he has heard about for Star Trek XI: Who else may want to play Captain Kirk in the flick besides the front-runner Matt Damon? Though, as with most things regarding Trek XI, the guy he mentions is PURE RUMOR at this point--Mr. G. wouldn't be bad in the part either....That said--I'm still rooting for Damon...

Congrats on a fine interview William and continued success....

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