
Sunday, April 27, 2008


Michael Bay tells fans and all other interested parties to be advised that, aside from the news that some filming is taking place in Philadelphia, everything else that's been said about Transformers 2 is bogus.

He said on his official site:

"Sorry everyone, everything you are reading (other then we are shooting in Philly) is false. We are going to give so much disinformation on this film to confuse everyone."

Secrecy about details on a high profile film is one thing...BUT wasting time and energy putting out misinformation and total propaganda however is another matter... First, telling folks what you and your minions are going to serves to only limit coverage, if I know that 99% of what you say is a lie...Why cover T #2 all?. Covering a few rumors on a film is one thing But I would just as soon move on..given Bay's statement..Dumb...

And second, if interest is cause everyone knows you are lying, at a minimum you may lose a few fans whom you need to generate buzz about the flick...Again very DUMB...

It's better to deny or just keep quiet than actively deceive around the clock...

We'll see what happens when the team comes to the city of brotherly love...

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