First Indy now Jack Ryan?
The push to restart the Jack Ryan film franchise may get a big boost from the one guy to have played the character twice on the big screen - Harrison Ford.
Talking with The Sun, Ford says the Tom Clancy-invented character is one of the few he's played that is worth coming back to...
Ford played Ryan in Patriot Games in 1992 and in Clear and Present Danger (1994) The film series lay dormant following 2002's The Sum of All Fears- with Ben Affleck
In recent months, there was talk that the studio suits were planning on using a new story and not based on one of Clancy's books one point Ryan Gosling was linked earlier this year to the role.
Ford says:
"That's a character that I think you could revisit acknowledging the passage of time and his increasing age. It wasn't age dependent that character and his experiences were chockablock full of recipes for good engaging movies so that's a character I wouldn't mind revisiting."
Hey If Ford can come back in his 60's as Indy he can surely have one more shot as Ryan...
Still, Gosling makes a fine choice if the powers that be decide to go younger...