
Sunday, June 08, 2008

Crystal Skills

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull heralds the return of intrepid archaeologist Henry Jones Jr. after a 19 year hiatus since 1989's Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade....And for most of the 2 hour adventure---it's one heck of a ride....

The year is 1957, and as the film opens we find Indy (Harrison Ford) and his pal "Mac" (Ray Winstone) have been captured by agents of the Soviet Union, led by Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett). Taken to a special military warehouse in the Nevada desert-Indy is forced to track down a crate containing a special artifact that the Russians believe will make them victors in the Cold War.

Once back in the hands of the U.S. Indy is accused of being a Communist sympathizer and fired from his university job by the Dean (Jim Broadbent)...

With his options now open, Indy comes to the aid of a young greaser named "Mutt" (Shia LaBeouf) whose mother has been kidnapped, and a mutual friend Professor Oxley (John Hurt) has gone missing while on a quest for the "Crystal Skull".

Of course the Russians are soon on the duo's trail...

Steven Spielberg certainly still knows how to make the kind of film that put him on the map as a director...And what can you say about Ford. All of those "concerns" about his age are put to bed within his first few minutes on screen.

David Koepp's screenplay, from a story by George Lucas and Jeff Nathanson provides plenty of of opportunities to please die hard fans with references to Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Crusade, and even a nod to 90's TV series "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles"...

And the minute Ford is reunited on screen with Karen Allen's feisty Marion Ravenwood from "Raiders" it's was as though the pair picked up right where they left off in '81.

LaBeouf fits into the Indy myths quite well even though, at times, he seemed out of time playing a 50's James Dean type with 21st century mannerisms.

Blanchett's character of Spalko starts the movie off like a strong villian but then ends up as a "typical" adventure movie antagonist.

Some of the set pieces are truly spectacular; The motorcycle chase, The jungle scenes, and the sand pit sequence are all lots of fun...Heck even the most outlandish action of the film (maybe even the entire series) is well done...And no I will not give it away.....And while I can forgive that sequence fairly easily...It's the climax I have the most difficulty trying to overcome...

Without giving away the ending--I know the series is all about having fun with the characters as they go chasing after the MacGuffin and I see what Spielberg and Lucas were trying to do with the ending--I just don't know if it worked out all that well-as presented...

That said, the film's very final scene did tug at me...And hearing John Williams' classic "Raiders March" again was a real kick

They say "You Can't Go Home Again" Thanks to a very sturdy Indy, fantastic stunts and great chemistry from yesteryear--the latest Indy adventure proves that axiom (almost) false.

Despite some issues with final act--Crystal Skull is still a fun fluffy summer ride at the movies....!!

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