First Up:
As it turns some of those casting rumors swirling around who may play the next Bat-villian in the next flick could be more on target after all
Chatting exclusively with MTV News, Michael Caine told them that he brought up the topic with a studio executive suit who seems to confirm some of them.
Caine says "When Christopher [Nolan] said we were going to do The Dark Knight next, I didn't’t what that meant in Batman terms. I said, ‘What’s the story?’ and he said The Joker. I said, ‘Oh, s–t! How are you going to top Jack [Nicholson]?’ He said, ‘Well, I’ve cast Heath Ledger. And I went ‘Ha! I couldn’t top Jack, but if anyone could, maybe Heath could.’ And he did."
He continued "I was with [a Warner Bros] executive and I said, ‘Are we going to make another one?’ They said yeah. I said, ‘How the hell are we going to top Heath? And he says ‘I’ll tell you how you top Heath — Johnny Depp as Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin.’ I said, ‘S–t, they’ve done it again!."
Hoffman's name as a British or Russian arms dealer version of the tux-tailed top hat villian first surfaced in 2006, right after "Batman Begins" but before the villains of TDK were announced.
Nolan is taking a rest and keeping mum.
If true, both Depp (who is open to the idea) and Hoffman would do great things in the next film... Whatever happens I trust Nolan and his team...

While talking about Spike Lee's upcoming "Miracle at St. Anna" (Sept 26th), actor Derek Luke spoke of an interesting casting rumor he heard.
"I heard they offered Will Smith ‘Captain America'...just shows you how times have changed" he told MTV.
As for Luke himself he said-"I would love to jump into Green Lantern. There are a lot of stories I’m into… [like] Black Panther."
But wait...
A post on AICN states:
"Multiple sources from Marvel have confirmed the studio never offered the part, nor did they approach or entertain a conversation about Will Smith for "Captain America"...
It may be a rumor but it's one that could make for very cool movie magic with Smith in the role...
Stay Tuned On Both Fronts...
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