
Monday, January 19, 2009

Fake (And Real) Blood

A third place finish at the box office, bad reviews, and what do you get? A sequel of course...

My Bloody Valentine 3D director Patrick Lussier tells the folks at CHUD that he and co-writer Todd Farmer have a sequel ready to go before the cameras:

"If the movie takes off, Todd and I have mapped out a whole continuing adventures...we have figured out a way of injecting several twists and turns in the continuing adventure. Even though the mystery is solved there are still things to learn and things to know and things that are unexpected and reversals of fortune that happens to those who survive."

Planning it all out he adds:

"We had great fun doing it because if you're going to do it, you don't want to retread what you've just done - you want to take it in a new direction. But at the same time, you want to do all those things people have fun with. And the mystery is one of those things and, you're right - how do you have a mystery when you already know the answer? Well, we've figured out a way."

Even if the film tanks overall--we will probably still see another film perhaps as a direct to vid release...

Lussier's even talking about the DVD release of the 1st flick stating that an outtake from the film will likely to be presented in 3D on the film's Blu-ray disc...

Meanwhile on a much more serious note Acts of violence continue in and around the cinema...

As Cops say a security guard stabs "My Bloody Valentine in 3D" moviegoer And at an event for the biopic Notorious...Four more are stabbed at an after-party in Brooklyn

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