
Monday, January 19, 2009

Drop In For Out

Talk about your odd couples...

Johnny Knoxville and Cher are getting set to co-star together for the slacker comedy "The Drop-Out" according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The film sees a 35-year-old career college student (Knoxville) who is finally given the boot by his folks. Desperate, he decides to get in good with the 62-year-old woman next door (Cher), so he can keep his food, couch and TV viewing habits the same.

Added to the equation is the woman's grown son, who is looking for a father figure, even if it's a guy his own age. That role is yet uncast.

Ricky Blitt.who worked with Knoxville on the unfunny The Ringer, wrote and will call action on this film.

Cher's last flick was the also the un fun Stuck on You

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