
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Slash And Learn

Bill Hader and Saturday Night Live skit writer Simon Rich have penned a slasher movie for Judd Apatow to produce according to CHUD

Rich calls the project:

"...Straw Dogs meets Halloween meets Home Alone meets The Monster Squad" .

When will it get done?

"I don't know if it's even going to get made. Judd met with us and said "I want to do a horror movie with you. I want to see you in a slasher movie."'

Hader (pictured):

"You watch f***ed up reality shows, I love true crime shows. The idea of that thing coming to your house..."

"I would s*** my pants. That's basically what the movie is about. What if that guy decided to come to your house? What would you and your dips*** friends do about it?"

I'm intrigued...Hopefully the script is better than some of the recent spoofs like Disaster Movie and Meet the Spartans...

Thankfully team Apatow has a solid track there's reason to hope...

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