
Friday, January 23, 2009


David Fincher's film adaptation of the Brian Michael Bendis/Marc Andreyko graphic novel "Torso:" is now on hold since Paramount let the film rights lapse says THR.

The book tells the true story of United States Treasury agent Eliot Ness career after the conviction of crime boss Al Capone .

Paramount has held the rights since January 2006.

Matt Damon and Casey Affleck. have been attached to the film at points since then.

The studio however still owns Ehren Kruger's adapted screenplay and having active discussions to potentially strike a new option agreement with the comic's writers for a new deal .

You would think after getting the studio 13 Oscar noms yesterday with The Curious Case of Benjamin Button the suits would want to assure he stays on...Did Fincher walk? It just seems very odd...

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